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You Have the Power to Do Great Things

Shock and awe—this is a typical reaction I get when I explain how powerful their website is to Minuteman Press storeowners who had no idea. In fact you might be one of those storeowners who wishes your site had more tools or better functionality. My response to you is, it probably does.

You’re busy, I know, and it can be a challenge to sit down regularly and familiarize yourself with the latest upgrades. We are constantly improving the Springboard, adding new tools and enhancing functionality. Here’s what you need to consider: Your website can be a huge business-generating machine if you’re willing to take the time to understand its power and to optimize it for both search engines and your users.

Let me fill you in on a few things that you might be surprised you can do:
Customize navigation. For example, if you don’t want it to say “Company Info,” you can change it to say, “About Minuteman (insert your company’s name here).” All it takes is a few clicks and presto—it’s done.
Add an image-based product gallery. Show off what you do with lots of pictures. You have the ability to add a product gallery for each of the products that you offer. Printing is a visual art—take advantage of product galleries and show your website visitors the high quality of your work.
Create a new page for your promotions. Do you run regular promotions? Get the word out by creating a page that lists the details of your promotions and how your visitors can take advantage.
Clone a page. If you’ve customized a page just the way you want it and you’d like to create another that’s similar, no problem. Just clone it. For example, if you’ve created a photo gallery for brochures and want to use the same layout for posters, you can do so with the Clone a Page feature.
Offer a pricing calculator. Your customers have the ability to place orders online, customize their products and see the price increase and decrease according to the options they’ve selected. For example, if a customer is printing a workbook, they can go online and select spiral binding, perfect bound or three-ring binder and see the prince change accordingly.